1.2 Beginning of organized cheerleading. Ĭheerleading carries the highest rate of catastrophic injuries to girl athletes in sports, with most injuries associated with from stunting, also known as pyramids. The sport has gained a lot of traction in Australia, Canada, Mexico, China, Colombia, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom with popularity continuing to grow as sport leaders pursue Olympic status. The International Cheer Union (ICU) now claims 116 member nations with an estimated 7.5 million participants worldwide. The global presentation of cheerleading was led by the 1997 broadcast of ESPN's International cheerleading competition, and the worldwide release of the 2000 film Bring It On. Cheerleading routines typically range anywhere from one to three minutes, and contain components of tumbling, dance, jumps, cheers, and stunting.Ĭheerleading originated in the United States, and remains predominantly in America, with an estimated 3.85 million participants as of 2017. It can be performed to motivate sports teams, to entertain the audience, or for competition. It can range from chanting slogans to intense physical activity. There almost certainly are coding or other errors in the document that will be found and need to be corrected, but overall, the job looks very well done, and many players who have created or cadged homemade EASLRBs over the years would probably be tempted to use this one instead.The Italian national team competing at the ICU World Championships.Ĭheerleading is an activity in which the participants (called cheerleaders) cheer for their team as a form of encouragement. In addition to the rules, MMP also seems to include a complete set of charts and tables (including the Korean War tables), which is a nice feature. MMP also promises other updates, including errata as well as “additional chapters.” It would be extremely useful to have all the historical ASL module and supplement chapters in this format as they collectively take up a ton of print pages (primarily because most of them repeat the same campaign game rules). The desert rules will supposedly be updated when the new Hollow Legions comes out. SQUAD LEADER PDF
The rulebook itself also appears to be fully hyperlinked, so you can use the links to go back and forth between rules references (though in some PDF readers the mechanism for going backwards is a little awkward). The upshot of this is that it makes navigating the EASLRB very easy. The rules come bookmarked, so (depending on your PDF reader) you can display a pane on the left-hand side of the window with collapsible menus for chapters and cardinal numbered rules. Supposedly all known errata as of August 2020 was incorporated into the EASLRB, making it currently the closest thing MMP has to a long-overdue 3rd Edition Rulebook. The EASLRB contains all the materials in the standard ASL rulebook (including Chapter K, ugh), as well as complete Chapter H materials, Chapter J (DASL), and Chapter W (Forgotten War/Korea).
You pay for it, download it, and apparently can have as many copies of it as you need. It comes in the form of a 708-page, 77.43MB PDF file, watermarked with the name and order number of the purchaser. Oddly, MMP is not selling this product from its own website, but rather from the rather obscure Wargame Vault site, where it can be had for $59.99. Now, a mere 20 years later, MMP has actually made good on its promise of an electronic ASL rulebook–though aficionados of CD-ROMs are doomed to eternal disappointment. In the second edition of the ASL Rulebook, published in 2001, MMP promised a forthcoming electronic edition of the ASL rules, which would be published on CD-ROM. PDF file containing 708 pages of official ASL rules (Chapters A-H, J-K, and W), as well as charts and tables.